A real surprise ain't it?
Aside from my door being violently gusted by some wind into my face, resulting in a black eye and swollen nose, I am very much alive.
My apologies for, as always, lack of posting. I've been distracted, busy, and otherwise just trying to make it to the end of the day lately, as most of us are doing. Still battling super perfectionist me, but I hope this next thing I post will be satisfactory to not just myself. Whenever and whatever that may be, since I've had a lot of improvement and growth since the end of January that it's just been difficult to post anything. See ya'll around!
It's good to have ya back, bud! :3
I cant wait to see some more art from you.
Thank you very much, I hope to get to posting again. Once my house stops beating me up for my non-existent lunch money.