So, I don't use labels let alone talk about my personal life much online, and I'm also sorry for double posting within the month. I am therefore, keeping this brief and vague: had a recent surprise happen in my life, one that I was never expecting and was happy living the rest of my life never finding, and the fire I had that died when I hit 21 has returned in full force.
With this change however, I gotta really step up my real life stuff, which may include doing my best to find some sort of job even though my exact situation for such job variability is... well, yea. Complicated.
The news on my passion project that I've now been working on for a good 13 years... I'm gonna do my best to try juggling it rather than setting it aside for another however many years until I have time to sit down with it. I'm also going to be working on my art so that I can end up doing commissions and earning a decent chunk of money doing that. That's whats up, that's the news.
I hope ya'll are doing well, I'll post this awesome piece when I'm finally done with it.