Trying to aim higher for my art is... well, had to do some thinking. My physical problems that worsened rather sharply after Covid and has persisted since will not allow for a career in art, especially now that certain Supreme Court Justices have set a precident that I will ABSOLUTELY be discriminated against regardless of disability legal status. I mean, if the law won't protect able bodied folk for normal things, what chance in hell will it protect someone like me? Dose of reality sucks but I've been taking that medicine since I was born, ain't nothing new, ain't no surprise.
And try as I might to avoid it, I just really really want some isolation time with a select few folk for the remainder of the summer with a break from art. So I'm going to go on a temporary hiatus until the beginning of September. We shall see if I need one come the end of October or not for the winter holidays, since I tend to do the very same in terms of my social ability. Need more time to think. See you then!
TLDR; I'm doing great, just realized the world still ain't built for a good chunk of folks that also happen to include me, as per usual. And I really just need to have a think in my corner of solace over here for a wee bit, until the beginning of September. Will see ya'll then!