Just a hobby artist. When not character designing and/or worldbuilding, I'm drawing fun stuff. I suffer from severe exhaustion,so it's slow goin' on my webcomic project.
Profile pic by- https://linktr.ee/oberon_factory

C @BlankFacedRobot

Age 29

Joined on 12/6/18

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BlankFacedRobot's News

Posted by BlankFacedRobot - November 8th, 2024

I am beyond furious. Just because my country wants to go backwards, doesn't mean I shall follow suit into that dark night without a fight.

I am disabling my Twitter account permanently and will have my linktree posted to reflect other accounts I hope to post to more often. Lighting that inner spark to rebel, to fight, and to stick it to the authority that try to control and censor me has awakened my DNA, full of individuals who trialed through tyrants, colonization and class oppression throughout generations in this country and across the pond. It is in my American blood and heritage, to resist the color red.

Sheer fucking spite is what I needed I guess. I have some real life preparations to make to prepare for the future and hopefully I should have that social media sorted out.


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - September 28th, 2024

Been a big chunk of time in comparison to the former monthly updates, I'd apologize but I'm sure it wasn't really noticed much since I don't post regularly anyways haha

Anyway, figured some stuff out. Why I can't seem to finish things for myself, the beyond sky high self expectations and self perfectionism and the like. Trying to work on that, as well as expanding my abilities in art. I feel my character art is already okay to start a comic with, it's just everything else that isn't okay enough.

Regardless, I'm alive! I've set my Twitter to basically be akin to Pewdipie, just a placeholder. Got a Tumblr set up, and will get a Cara. I'll have a linktree post here on the front page of this soon, if anyone is curious. Since I'm so busy figuring art stuff out, I'm likely to still not post much but we shall see. Make no promises since I can't make good on them just yet!


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - July 13th, 2024

I'm back!

Had a teensy, small complication in my recovery but I'm all good now. Just now getting over a birthday almost meltdown, but I'm steadily working on stuff since my operation in June.

I've since taken up helping a fellow artist with their comic project, to not only help the both of us achieve our comic goals faster but to learn the process of it together. Without having ever had previous screentoning work, turns out I'm pretty good at it. Still learning more about it though, so it's not super perfect out the gate. Once his second chapter is complete, I shall link the chapter here within a post. This also was taken up to help ease me back into things again after having difficulty in being able to do my work due to my health issues.

Anyway, that's how that's all been. Here's a concept sneak peak, don't worry about not being able to read what I've written down. It's redundant information, really. Need to tweak the colors and design some more too.


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - May 22nd, 2024

Small updates, starting with the title:

For those that haven't read the previous journal, I've been approved for surgery to address my chronic abdominal pain. It is happening this Friday, and I'll be out of commission for roughly a month. So all of June will be my recovery period.

In other news, I've been working on some environment painting learning to get the starter project up and going. I've been working on one, called Hybrid Shadows, to give people an idea of the story before I actually start it. Should learn if this is really for me too with the smaller set of characters as well. I'll see what post surgery, future me can do about posting some of the stuff regarding it. I've already had it written and scripted for a long time, figured it would be an easier thing to pursue what with this year having been such a problem with my physical health.

Right now, I'm waiting on the shipment of a replacement for my tablet, the connection part is being wonky despite me being rather delicate with it. It lasted me almost 2 years, and I'm just glad I don't have to fork the cash for a whole new tablet just because one part of it has stopped working well *cough*wacom*cough*. I've had many previous surgeries for different issues, and I tend to get really sketch moody so I don't want to have to deal with that while I recover.

With that, I'm out. See you in a bit, and hopefully, one less body part is forever stuck in agony pain mode by then!


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - March 23rd, 2024

Still in hiatus for the moment folks.

Had to switch doctors, because my current ones took the Supreme Court ruling that they can absolutely force their religion and political beliefs down my throat legally, seriously.

My pain has unfortunately worsened, so I've not really been able to do as much with my projects as I'd hoped. I dunno when this will resolve but I do have an appointment soon, several hours away. I don't handle long drives too well these days with my disability having worsened since Covid, but I've no other options. This pain thing will require surgery as well, so please bear with me as I get this crap sorted.


Didn't feel like making a new post; new doctor immediately helped me schedule treatment. Requires an abdominal surgery but YESSSSSSSSSS, FINALLY A DOCTOR THAT ACTUALLY LISTENS AND IS LIKE, DAWG, THAT AIN'T ACTUALLY NORMALLLL.

Right, onto other news: oneshot comic is underway. Will post the stuff for it here as I complete them, aside from the pages of course. I have environmental studies to do for it so pages will not be complete just yet.

Posted by BlankFacedRobot - February 16th, 2024

Hello folks! Due to a sudden medical issue, I'm gonna take a hiatus and maybe post some unfinished things to either the forum post or just as a non-front page post if I can figure that out.

I've long needed a medical device to control a disorder, and my body has decided to Houdini it... somewhere. We don't know where just yet, we're hoping it is outside of my abdomen and into the world. I've yet to find it however, so the other more scary option is it is inside the shadow realm of my guts. Somewhere. Maybe. Dunno! In the event it is inside me, I've a recovery road ahead because they gotta go in and get it if it is still with me. Only lasts a few years, after all!

Just having a rough start to this year so far. Trying to get back in stride though! I should be fine, nothing too serious even if it is still floating in the void next to my pancreas or somethin. I'm just setting aside time just in case I need it, because abdominal surgeries kinda suck.


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - December 26th, 2023

I did promise myself last year, that this would be the year I'd at least get some comic pages of SOMETHING out there. But when someone feeds into your doubts to not continue, and you've gained some new perspectives, ie having to give up on dreams for the sake of providing for someone you now care about and for... it's really difficult.

I didn't stop completely, I just retracted to doing things in secret again because this is important to me. It is the last thing I'm able to physically do. It's the last dream on my list of dreams I can complete. I didn't want to be yelled at or reminded to "work on my novel because you don't have the ability to do art".

Here's to continuing to try! That shitlord's voice is becoming quiet now, being surrounded by his skilled art students who were far skilled before he ever became their teacher has helped immensely. And making friends in the creative community has been just so rewarding in the friendships made and the experiences had. I'm truly thankful to them for helping me develop this far.

January of 2023


December 2023:


Lots of progress was made. I'm hoping to continue the trend onwards into 2024. So, see ya next year sometime folks!

Got a BUNCH of character and environment references to make as I get these old thumbnails revamped and turned into pages.


Posted by BlankFacedRobot - October 31st, 2023

I KNOW, it's been one HOT minute since I posted anything!

Time legit escaped me while I had a wee bit of an art crisis. Questioned if I perhaps, should just invest all my time into self publishing my novels rather than pursuing what I really want, which is to turn said novels into comics instead. I am, after all, getting quite old to be chasing dreams anymore.

Some people's advise is well intentioned, not saying the advice I was given was bunk or anything. I just shouldn't have taken it so seriously, and feeling guilty when I instead worked on my art rather than digitizing my novel. I know my art ain't that great, I'm doing my best to improve I swear, but... I love getting lost in working on putting what I see in my brain outside of it. One more thing I've gotta heal from after spending my whole life not being supported or heard about what I want for my life.

ANYWAY, Happy Halloween! I don't have anything specific to contribute, I've been preoccupied this past week rather than focusing on my piece. Certain dear loved ones in crisis need me far more than an art piece I can always work on later does. Enjoy your sugary goodness, silly to sexy costumes, and horror movie binging day in preferred safety today!

Posted by BlankFacedRobot - September 1st, 2023

My hiatus is concluded effective today, the 1st! I look forward to returning to my work in earnest, and I've considered digitizing my written novels to perhaps self publish before the webcomic of it is made. I'm not 100% certain about it, we shall see how I feel once things are written up into digital form. I'll also digitize the other elements not written into the novels as well at some point afterwards, for my sake and sanity.

Hope you've all been well, shall see you soon!

EDIT: My spelling certainly hasn't seen an improvement over this time away haha

Posted by BlankFacedRobot - July 3rd, 2023

Trying to aim higher for my art is... well, had to do some thinking. My physical problems that worsened rather sharply after Covid and has persisted since will not allow for a career in art, especially now that certain Supreme Court Justices have set a precident that I will ABSOLUTELY be discriminated against regardless of disability legal status. I mean, if the law won't protect able bodied folk for normal things, what chance in hell will it protect someone like me? Dose of reality sucks but I've been taking that medicine since I was born, ain't nothing new, ain't no surprise.

And try as I might to avoid it, I just really really want some isolation time with a select few folk for the remainder of the summer with a break from art. So I'm going to go on a temporary hiatus until the beginning of September. We shall see if I need one come the end of October or not for the winter holidays, since I tend to do the very same in terms of my social ability. Need more time to think. See you then!

TLDR; I'm doing great, just realized the world still ain't built for a good chunk of folks that also happen to include me, as per usual. And I really just need to have a think in my corner of solace over here for a wee bit, until the beginning of September. Will see ya'll then!