So, this isn't quite imposter syndrome but same time, kinda is? And I don't know why I feel this way considering I'm only posting my art for myself? So, I find myself doubting people are genuine when they say they love my art, and want to read my comic. And then I also feel like my art is inadequate as well, to a slightly negative degree. It's odd.
I'm thinking maybe I've just had too many negative things ever said to me in my life that I just am unsure as to why there's so many positive and wonderful people being nice to me? And wondering if it's genuine or not? My childhood was not encouraging of my writing and drawing interests, they were things I'd get punished for engaging in. Nobody is around these days to punish me over it though so it's such a weird thing to experience as an adult.
I'm not good with personal emotional stuff, clearly. Doubtful I'll ever accept this weak flesh sac I'm currently forced to reside in and its illogical, time consuming functions. It is my fault though, I decided to do this because I began to worry about the time I had left in this world and that I've not done what I've always wanted to do.
Personal stuff over
In other news, I apologize for not posting anything other than the concept so far. I've been hard at work building up skill in areas of my art that I feel are weak, and of course making art friends all over again. Man, I forgot what it was like to be surrounded by like minded people, even if it's just in an online setting! I love my non-creative friends, don't get me wrong, they're equally fantastic people I love to hang with. But others who have their own worlds, characters, ideas and understand the struggle of being a creative? It's truly something else. They've made pieces that steal my eyeballs, make my dead and cold soul reach out to a musical piece they made for the first time since I was 12, and in general just having discussions and whatnot to help each other out.
I'll try to post here soon, though again, I can't promise a certain date of time before that happens.